About Adopt-A-Pet

Adopt-A-Pet of Fargo-Moorhead is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization; It is a completely volunteer-run, local animal organization with the primary goal of placing rescued pets in loving and responsible homes. Adopt-A-Pet has NO shelter. Instead, foster homes are used for the animals until they are adopted. Adopt-A-Pet of Fargo-Moorhead operates under a no-kill policy. The animals are kept under our care until a permanent home can be found, no matter how long it takes. Adopt-A-Pet of Fargo-Moorhead is dedicated to keeping the animals happy and healthy at all times and the welfare of the animals is our primary concern.

Adopt-A-Pet of Fargo-Moorhead receives no government financial support and is not affiliated with any other animal rescue organizations in the Fargo-Moorhead area. We rely solely on private donations, fundraising events, and adoption fees to continue its operations. These funds help cover the cost of food, medical supplies, and veterinary expenses. We are 100% funded by your donations. Please see our Donations page for information on how you can donate.

Adopt-A-Pet’s mission is to be recognized as a premier organization known for placing homeless and or unwanted animals in permanent loving homes. We strive to discourage cruelty to animals by promoting humane education, enforcement of laws and to support the humane legislation.

We would like to tell you about the “behind the scenes” animals that you may not know you are helping when you donate to Adopt-A-Pet.  Adopt-A-Pet has a NO KILL policy. We do not euthanize animals because they have not been adopted within a certain time, because they have behavioral or medical issues, or because of age.  For some dogs and cats adoption has not happened for one reason or another most times not of fault of the animal, so we care for these furry friends in their foster homes for the rest of their natural lives. Your donations help support not only the animals for whom we are able to find forever homes, but also these loving animals. They can also incur long term medical expenses along with the day-to-day costs of food and supplies.

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Matching Rescued Pets With Loving Homes