You can view a grid (thumbnails) of the Adopt-A-Pet cats here.
If you are interested in a cat, please send us a message or leave a voicemail at 701-232-5681. Please leave your name, phone number, why you are calling, and the best time to reach you.
We try to return messages within 48 hours, but if you don’t hear back from us after 48 hours, please feel free to contact us again. Please keep in mind that voicemail/email is monitored by volunteers and occasionally our schedules may cause some delay in getting back to you. Thank you for your patience.
If interested in a pet, please review our Adoption Process.
A ‘ ~ ‘ preceding the pet’s name indicates it is a Courtesy Posting . This means that the animal’s owner or person caring for the animal has asked Adopt-A-Pet for assistance in finding a new home for the animal. The animal is currently NOT in an Adopt-A-Pet foster home and Adopt-A-Pet is NOT responsible for the animal.

Pepper is a female, possible shepherd mix puppy. Just the sweetest little fluffball! She was a little shy when she... View full description »

Kiana is a petite female mixed breed. Born 7/22/2024. As of February 15th- she is now about 7 Months and... View full description »

Misty is a domestic short haired, brown tabby with white, female spayed cat with an estimated date of birth of... View full description »
Bart aka Hershey

Bart, also known as Hershey in his foster home, is a neutered male, domestic short hair tuxedo. Bart has an... View full description »
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